Eva Therapy Service Referrals Are Currently CLOSED
Vida have been able to extend the reach of our therapeutic services and our campaigning and awareness activities through developing a small but dedicated team of volunteers.
Some are involved in supporting women to participate in our Eva Support Group, creating a welcoming environment with refreshments and crafts activities, as well as informal emotional support.
Others are qualified therapists and counsellors, or trainees on placement, volunteering their time and expertise for specific sessions with our Eva Therapy Service for women and girls affected by any form of abuse.
We also host occasional student placements from both of the universities in the city.
Women who are interested in volunteering with Vida can contact us for an initial chat by phoning [0114] 275 0101 or emailing admin@vidasheffield.org.uk
It would be helpful to provide some brief information about any counselling or therapy qualifications you may have, or be working towards, or any other personal experience that has led you to us. We would then let you know when we have any openings, as we can only work with a limited number of volunteers at one time.