Eva Therapy Service Referrals Are Currently CLOSED
Vida is a registered charity, and most of our funding is made up of grants from charitable trusts. We also rely on fundraising events and donations to generate much-needed funds for our services and activities with women and girls.
If you would like to donate you can use our secure Localgiving donations page – every little really does help – and we can claim Gift Aid 25% on top if you are a UK taxpayer!
You can donate as you shop online for free:
EasyFundraising – turning your everyday online shopping into FREE donations for Vida.
We are on Vinted! – follow vidasheffield to discover the clothes and accessories we have for sale. 100% of the sales will go to our much needed services!
Enormous thanks to all of Vida’s funders:
Vida Events:
We are known for our marvelous fundraisers – a huge thank you to all our supporters who come and support us. See our Events page and e-mailings for details of future events.
If you would like to discuss donating, legacy giving or helping us fundraise in other ways please contact us:
0114 275 0101 or admin@vidasheffield.org.uk