Eva Therapy Service Referrals Are Currently CLOSED

Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Statement

We see abuse as both a cause and a consequence of gender inequality, and believe people should be treated as equals.  We want to contribute to culture change and system change through awareness of privilege and oppression recognising inequalities that particular groups of women face.  We will promote anti-oppressive approaches in service delivery.

Our provision is for vulnerable women and girls and recruitment will be restricted to women within the legal framework set out in The Equality Act 2010, Schedule 9, Part 1, and any subsequent amendments.

Vida will take practical steps to ensure that our services are accessible to all women and girls [from the age of 16] affected by domestic and sexual abuse, and other forms of violence against women and girls. Where appropriate to any commissioned contract, services may also be extended to others. 

  • This applies to all aspects of receiving services, including application, referral, needs assessment, individual support and safety planning, risk assessment, consultation, involvement, development, training, advice and information.

Vida acknowledges that discrimination and prejudice exist. We are committed to ensuring that no-one working for us, receiving our services, or applying to do so, is discriminated against, taking account of the exceptions in The Equality Act 2010, on the basis of:

  • race
  • age
  • disability
  • sex
  • sexual orientation
  • gender reassignment
  • religion or belief
  • marriage and civil partnership

Vida will take steps to ensure its information resources are accessible, by making provision for meeting the needs of those seeking to access such services e.g. by arranging translation, interpreting services or BSL.

Increasing accessibility

The majority of our service users have been adult white women [age 25+]. We have been working to extend the reach of the service, particularly to women from more diverse backgrounds.

Our equality monitoring data shows that we increased the diversity of Eva service users in 2022-23 compared with 2021-22:

  • 35% of clients were not White British. (4% less than the previous year)
  • 20% were aged under 25. (10% more than the previous year)
  • 18% disclosed a physical or learning disability. (13% more than the previous year)
  • 17% didn’t identify as heterosexual. (12% more than the previous year) [and a further 13% preferred not to say]

Where we see that percentage data has reduced in terms of diversity we will investigate and create an action plan to improve accessibility if that is identified as the reason for the reduction. 

Vida’s approach to equality of opportunity with regard to employment and safe recruitment is as follows:

  • Vida may only employ women in some posts, as provided for under the Equality Act 2010.
  • Vida aim to ensure that no applicant or employee receives less favourable treatment than another on grounds that are not job related
  • Vida will strive to achieve representation of all sections of the community at all levels within the organisation and within all types of work carried out

Date Reviewed: 12 January 2024   

Next Review Date: 2025


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