Eva Therapy Service Referrals Are Currently CLOSED
The Athena Peer Support Group is an additional part of the pathway through our Eva Therapy Service.
Women who take part in our group work find it a really useful experience, reducing isolation and learning from each other and our experienced facilitators.
Athena Peer Support Group is a fortnightly group open to those suffering from pain, fatigue and/or fibromyalgia. This group is open to existing clients or Eva Peer Support Group members who feel they would benefit from face to face support in a small group setting. This is a fortnightly drop-in support group and you do not need a diagnosis to join.
Each week will have a different topic covering a number of issues relating to pain & fatigue ad you can attend which ever sessions you will find useful.
You do NOT need to have a diagnosis of chronic fatigue, chronic pain and/or fibromyalgia. If you are feeling tired all the time or you struggle with pain or discomfort in your neck, back, jaw (TMJ) shoulders or stomach (or anywhere else) then this group may be useful for you.
We work together to make sure that groups are small and manageable; we all support each other in a confidential safe space to talk and learn.
Group sessions will cover topics such as:
The Athena Pain & Fatigue Support Group meets on Wednesdays 4.30-6pm fortnightly in term time. Sessions alternate between face to face and online sessions via Zoom, this is to try and accommodate more women that feel they would benefit from the group and so those that can’t make it in person also have the opportunity to attend.
If you would like more information (including the latest services and joining arrangements) contact us by calling (0114) 275 0101, or emailing admin@vidasheffield.org.uk