Eva Therapy Service Referrals Are Currently CLOSED

Links to Local Services

Domestic Abuse Helpline [IDAS]

IDAS currently deliver the Domestic Abuse Helpline and community based domestic abuse services to women, men and young people in Sheffield [the former IDVAS/High Risk Service now works across all levels of risk]. They are also commissioned to provide free training to the Sheffield workforce.

Helpline: 0808 808 2241

Tel: 0114 276 0999



Young Women’s Housing Project provides safe places to live and specialist support to young women [primarily aged 16-25] to overcome the impacts of sexual abuse and exploitation, and discover new possibilities for their futures.

Tel: 0114 268 0580



Ashiana provide specialist services to support and empower women from BAMER communities whose lives have been affected by violence and abuse [including domestic abuse, forced marriage, ‘honour’ based abuse and trafficking]. They are based in Sheffield and work across the north of England.

Tel: 0114 255 5740

Ashiana Sheffield | Violence & Abuse | Support | Help | DonateAshiana Sheffield


Haven offer 1-1, group work and family sessions for children and young people who have been affected by living with domestic abuse in Sheffield. They provide specialist services, education and research.

Tel: 0114 213 0590


Sheffield Women's Aid

Women’s Aid provide safe self-contained refuge accommodation to women and their children fleeing domestic and sexual abuse, both from within and outside Sheffield. Specialist play leaders provide support to children and young people in the refuge.

Tel: [0114] 236 6423 / 244 6573

Referrals via Sheffield Housing Support pathway: [0114] 273 6306



Saffron [formerly Sheffield Women’s Counselling and Therapy Service] is a women-only organisation providing free, confidential therapy and  counselling services to women in Sheffield.

Tel: 0114 275 2157

Saffron | Sheffield Women’s Counselling and Therapy Service

SRASAC - Sheffield Rape & Sexual Abuse Centre

Services for survivors, of all genders, who have experienced rape and/or sexual violence at any time in their lives.

Counselling from age 13, and Independent Sexual Violence Advisors offer practical help and emotional support to adults, whether or not you report to the police, and support with the criminal justice system if you do. A specialist Children & Young Persons’ ISVA can support children of all ages, and their families, in understanding police and court processes.

Tel: [0114] 241 2766 | ISVA service: 241 2791


Mums In Need

Mums In Need are a Sheffield based charity specialising in post-separation coercive control. They support women and children facing post-separation abuse.

Tel: 0800 852 7414 (Monday-Friday 10am-3pm except Bank Holidays)


Sheffield DACT (Domestic Abuse Coordination Team)

Sheffield City Council Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Advise and Support : website information, including support for women, men and young people.

Domestic abuse and sexual violence advice and support | Sheffield City Council


Sheffield Working Women’s Opportunities Project is a voluntary organisation based in Sheffield, providing outreach services and an exit project to women working as street sex workers.

Tel: 0800 917 8244


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