Eva Therapy Service Referrals Are Currently CLOSED

Visit from Oliver Coppard, South Yorkshire Mayor

Yesterday we were delighted to receive a visit from South Yorkshire Mayor Oliver Coppard along with Clare Monahan Executive Director of Policy and Strategic Development and Kathryn Whittington Senior Commissioning and Contract Officer from the South Yorkshire Combined Authority.

Together we had a productive meeting to talk about the valuable work that Vida does and highlighted our current funding crisis.  We watched Beck’s first-hand account as a service user when she spoke at the Council Meeting on Wed 17th July and received a standing ovation.  She was so brave and passionate speaking about what our life-changing therapy service means to her!

Vida still needs help to avoid closure so that our lifesaving services can continue, please continue to share our petition https://chng.it/nSrwNf4mKv and use Localgiving to donate: www.localgiving.org/charity/vidasheffield/

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