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Videos from Vida

During the coronavirus lockdown, Vida service users told us that self-help videos would be a useful resource for them at home. Vida’s Clinical Manager, Jane McClaren, has created these short videos to share advice on managing mental health at this time. We hope they are useful to you.

Coping with Uncertainty & Worry: In this video, Vida’s Clinical Service Manager talks through some coping strategies for uncertainty and worry.

Vida Q&A: In this video, a Vida service user asks Vida’s Clinical Service Managers some Frequently Asked Questions about our therapy service.

Body Relaxation Exercise: This is a guided relaxation exercise from one of our therapists which you can follow at any time.

Connecting with the Present Moment: Vida’s Clinical Service Manager talks through how we can feel connected and grounded in the present moment.

Interview with a Vida Service User: In this video, a Vida service user explains what accessing therapy has meant for her.

Self-Compassion and Self-Kindness: Vida’s Clinical Service Manager offers advice on showing kindness and compassion to ourselves.

Nature Walk: A relaxing walk through the springtime woodlands, for anyone who is unable to get out during the lockdown.

Is It Too Late? – Song by a Vida Service User

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