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These self-help resources are provided to help you look after yourself or someone you know.
Domestic Abuse Safety Plan: This practical form can help you to think through some general safety planning tips and to plan ahead for safety after separation.
Before I Blame Myself and Feel Guilty: Survivors of trauma often feel inappropriate guilt or shame about things they did or did not do. Before you blame yourself for what happened to you read about the thinking errors that victims of trauma commonly make. If any are familiar then it may be necessary to adjust your thinking.
Grounding-Techniques: It is common to have intrusive memories of traumatic events. Even though these events happened in the past, when the memories come it can feel as though the events are happening again in the present. This can be extremely upsetting, and it is helpful to find ways that help you to ‘ground’ yourself back in the safety of the present moment.
Trauma & Threat System: This leaflet explains the effect of trauma on our brains, helping to show why people respond to domestic and sexual abuse in different ways.
EVA Service Information: This leaflet outlines our values and what you can expect from Vida’s services.
Basic Personal Rights: We all have fundamental rights – but sometimes these are taken from us through abuse. This poster affirms our basic personal rights.
Vida Tips for Keeping Well & Working from Home: Here are some suggestions from Vida on how to look after your physical and mental health.